Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy

See Your Skin in a New Light!

NWA Center for Plastic Surgery is proud to offer Scandinavia’s best kept secret - the Nordly’s Hybrid Experience in Rogers, Arkansas.

The Nordly’s Hybrid System is a beautiful engineered device that harnesses light and delivers energy to selectively treat a wide variety of skin conditions. This one of a kind, Nordly’s Hybrid Experience offers non-invasive rejuvenation head to toe, improving signs of aging and uneven pigmentation without interfering with your normal daily routine. Erase the signs of aging and revitalize your appearance with the Nordly’s Hybrid Experience.

Laser Therapy Treatments

FRAX 1550

  • Non-ablative skin resurfacing (including but not limited to treatment of skin texture, fine lines and wrinkles).

    Treatment of pink or purple striae (stretch marks).

    Treatment of acne scars, ice-pick scars, rolling scars, boxcar scars, atrophic or hypertrophic scars.

    Treatment of surgical or trauma scars.

    Treatment of improving and repairing sun damage.

    Treatment of minimizing age spots.

  • The FRAX 1550 laser has very few side effects, less downtime than ablative lasers.

    The huge advantage of non-ablative laser resurfacing, contrary to ablative resurfacing, is that there is a minimal, if any, post-recovery period. In other words... lower risk and more rapid recovery.

    To ensure optimal comfort, topical local anaesthetic is applied to the treated area prior to treatment. The Frax 1550 Laser uses SoftCool™ cooling; cool damp air is played onto the patient skin at the point of treatment, increasing comfort.

    Patients can return to normal daily life immediately following treatment, however we recommend that our patients refrain from wearing makeup after treatment.

    There may be some redness for up to 12 hours post treatment & there is a small chance of swelling that typically subsides shortly following the treatment.

  • Patients are advised to have up to 3-4 sessions to achieve desirable results. However, multiple sessions can be done to maintain results and to continually boost collagen production.

  • The infrared laser energy emitted by Frax 1550 targets the water in your surface skin cells, vaporizing them. Fractional laser treatments are non-ablative.

    That’s because the laser beam is fractionated, or broken up into tiny fractions, which target only 25% to 40% of the skin, hastening your recovery time.

    The Nordlys system is a foundational platform for an array of light-based treatments, most notably, Frax 1550. The Frax device has a range of utility.

The Frax 1550 is a fractional laser used to resurface and rejuvenate the skin.


    • Pigmented Lesions

    • Vascular Lesions (small blood vessels)

    • Freckles

    • Rosacea

    • Age Spots

    • Uneven Skin Texture

    When you arrive for your appointment, your skin will be examined and our team will prepare a specific treatment plan suited for your skin concerns and will customize the wavelengths using the Nordly’s IPL laser depending on your concerns, such as size, treatment area, and your skin time.

    The appropriate applicator will be selected and a thin layer of gel will be applied to maximize the results of the IPL treatment and you may experience a warm sensation throughout the treatment.

  • Avoid scented lotions, exfoliants, and aggressive scrubbing.

    It’s normal for freckles and sunspots to initially get darker and they usually flake off within one to three weeks.

    You might feel something like a sunburn after the treatment, but an ice pack should help.

  • The light energy will gently heat the upper layers of your skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate your skin cells to regenerate new collagen.

    This process will restore your skin to its natural beauty, blending its natural colors and making it smoother, vibrant, and younger-looking. In addition, the photothermal energy eliminates the fine vessels that cause redness and reduces the unwanted melanin that produces pigmented lesions.

    The IPL machine is equipped with advanced cooling features, allowing the use of high-powered energy with minimal discomfort. IPL is a safe, effective approach to younger-looking skin. It is recommended that individuals undergo treatment two to four times per year for optimal results.

    You might feel a slight warming of the skin and mild discomfort during treatment.

The IPL Photofacial treatment uses short blasts of high-intensity light to produce younger-looking skin that’s firmer and more even in tone and texture.


    • Leg vessels (0.1-3 mm in diameter)

    • Benign vascular lesions

    • Port wine stains

    • Venous lakes

    • Epidermal pigmented lesions

  • There is no downtime & very few side effects.

    The ND:yag Laser uses SoftCool™ cooling; cool damp air is played onto the patient skin at the point of treatment, increasing comfort.

  • Treatment with the Nordlys Nd:YAG laser can reduce or eliminate the veins by using a specific wavelength of light to deliver energy that is absorbed by the red blood cells contained within these vessels. The energy is converted to heat which is transmitted to the inside surface of the vein. This results in eventual collapse and sealing of the veins so no further blood flow occurs. The lack of blood flow is what makes the veins gradually disappear.

    Frequently, only one treatment is sufficient but additional treatments may be indicated depending on the response of the veins.

The Nd:YAG laser allows the practitioner to precisely treat visible vessels, broken capillaries, spider veins, vascular lesions, and discoloration of your skin by using laser energy. Your treatment will be tailored to match your skin condition and desired result.

Broken Capillaries

  • Patients are highly unlikely to require pain medication or local anesthesia, although some providers may use a mild numbing agent on patients with sensitive or thin skin. 

    The laser pulses that penetrate the skin to destroy the veins cause mild snapping sensations, but no aftercare is needed

    Although laser vein therapy comes with virtually no downtime, you may experience some minor redness and/or bruising.

    You should stay out of the sun for at least 24 hours after the treatment.

  • The number of treatments needed to fully eliminate broken capillaries varies based on the number and appearance of broken capillaries.

    A large network of capillaries may take several treatments, while smaller capillaries may disappear after one treatment.

For those who suffer from broken capillaries, lasers are used to deliver targeted treatment to the skin. Laser light energy is concentrated on the targeted vein. Energy is then transferred from the laser to the vein and absorbed by the blood vessels, which causes the vessel to clog.

Hair Reduction

  • • Axilla (under arm)

    • Bikini

    • Brazilian

    • Lip

    • Full Leg

    • Full Back

    *Light colored or red hair will not respond well to this process.

  • Sessions to be determined at consultation but typically requires between 4-6 sessions.

The Nordlys™ system permanently reduces unwanted hair by delivering short, bursts of light directed at the target site. To ensure good contact with the skin, a thin layer of gel is applied to the skin prior to treatment.


  • • Face

    • Neck

    • Décolleté

    • Hands

    • Surgical scars

  • Patients may experience redness and mild swelling immediately after treatment.

    Avoid sun exposure after treatment.

  • Up to 3 treatments.

    During your consultation your provider will design a customized treatment plan for best results.

  • • Nordlys IPL uses the energy from light to target areas of skin that are high in melanin, a natural pigment present in the skin and hair.

    As melanin breaks down, you will notice an initial darkening followed by lightening of the skin in this area. This can do wonders for people with age spots, hyperpigmentation or redness. In addition, this treatment can improve your overall complexion and reduce the effects of sun damage. Even tricky areas with telangiectasia, or spider veins, can be targeted, as IPL can help break down these blood vessels.

    • The Nordlys Fraxel laser capitalizes on your body’s natural healing processes in order to promote skin resurfacing. Frax uses a specific wavelength of light to create what are called microthermal zones in the dermal layer of your skin. These zones do not include an entire area of skin; rather, Frax is non-ablative and affects just a fraction of a problem spot at a time. The treated areas will then begin to produce more collagen and form new, healthy skin. You may worry that laser treatments could be painful, but numbing cream is used in most cases to avoid uncomfortable sensations.

    We use the Fraxel laser to target a variety of different skin concerns, from acne scarring to sun damage to fine lines and wrinkles. We also provide the option of combining the benefits of Frax with another treatment known as Intense Pulsed Light, which can further lighten pigmented areas. To achieve your desired results, you may need to receive multiple Fraxel laser treatments.

PhotoFRAX treatment combines selective waveband IPL photo-rejuvenation with non-ablative FRAX resurfacing to synergistically treat brown spots, red areas, fine lines, wrinkles and texture in one treatment session.