Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia)

Gynecomastia surgery reduces breast size in men, flattening and enhancing the chest contours. Surgical options include liposuction, excision (surgical removal of tissue) or a combination of both approaches.

Procedure Time

1 hour

Time to Final Results

Initial Results: Immediate

Final Results: 3 - 6 months

Recovery Time

4 - 7 days

  • Take certain medications or adjust your current medications

    Stop smoking

    Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding

  • Be sure to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you to and from surgery, and to stay with you the first night following surgery.

    · Minimal activities for the first 4 days after surgery.

    · Remember to position yourself as you have been instructed.

    · Leave the garment in place as it helps with the swelling. At the time of the first postoperative visit, the compression garment will be removed.

    · 1 drain per side may be required. If asked, drainage amounts should be logged and taken to each postoperative visit for the surgeon to review.

    · Do not raise your arm above your shoulders.

    · NO heavy lifting, pushing or pulling for a minimum of 1 week. Do not get your heart rate up for 2 weeks after surgery.

    · After the first week, full range of motion with your arms is permissible but lifting is restricted to 5 pounds or less.

    · Sutures are typically dissolvable and will not need to be removed.

    · To return to non-strenuous work within 3-7 days.

    · Moderate discomfort, which should be relieved by the pain medications. Also, placing well-padded ice bags high on the chest often relieves discomfort.

    · Moderate swelling of the breasts and abdomen.

    · Bruising around the breasts.

    · Some bloody drainage on the dressings.

    · You may shower/sponge bath 48 hours. after surgery.

    · You will follow up with one of our nurses 1-3 days after surgery. You will follow up with Dr. Stacey if any concerns arise during this time otherwise you will see him at your 2 week post-op.

    Call the office if you experience:

    · Severe pain not responding to pain medications.

    · Excess swelling or swelling that is greater on one side than the other.

    · A bright red spot on the bandage which continues to enlarge.

    · Incisions that appear to be opening or becoming very red, hot to the touch or containing pus.

    · You notice any signs of increasing firmness of one or both breasts.

    · If you have had a nipple graft, notify the surgeon if the graft is becoming darker in color.

    · A fever.

    · Call the office if you have any questions.